Thus we leave the UP & head over the Mackinac Bridge towards the LP.
Amazing view through the bridge (and our windshield)
A luxury resort by any standard

Sample patio, landscaping & cottage
The landscaping is really nice, complete with many ponds & even a linked series of ponds in phase 2 which they refer to as a river.

Second phase "river"
We take the Honda to visit downtown Petoskey. This is a charming town with many interesting shops, restaurants & horrible parking. Hungry parking meters are everywhere!

Parking meters in front of mural
The town has beautiful churches & interesting murals.

A Petoskey church
Another day takes us on a drive over to the Legs Inn.

The famous Legs Inn
This famous Polish restaurant is completely hand carved & gets its name from the many table legs which adorn the roof.

Notice all the white table legs
The patio is terrific with great views of 4 lighthouses. This year I don’t spot all 4, but did when we came last year.
Hand painted sign showing all 4 lighthouses
The sign on the fence shows the lighthouses visible on a clear day. Our camera doesn’t have a strong enough zoom lens to get a picture of much, but if you look hard, you can make out one lighthouse on this picture.

Look at the little spot to the left of center
The next 3 shots of the interior give you a feel for the woodwork. Everything is done by hand – amazing!
Hard carved balcony rail
Soon we are on our way towards Harbor Springs. We take scenic Hwy 19 for this purpose.

Beautiful scenic drive
Harbor Springs are where the super rich in Michigan live. Of course the town closes up in October, but the old preserved houses are a splendid example of the glory that still exists. Too numerous to include in this blog, be sure to visit our web album for more photos.
Harbor Springs Bay
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